Limited Time Discounts

Welcome to the Neighborhood News Online Marketplace.

Available for a limited time – ONLINE ONLY DISCOUNT!

Thank you for helping us test our online advertisement portal! We appreciate you using the site and welcome any feedback you may have. As some of our first customers to be using our online portal for their advertising purchase(s), you are eligible for an additional 10% discount, just enter coupon code “ONLINEBETA” at checkout!

(Our standard discounts for 6 issues and 12 issues, 6% and 12%, respectively – are also available online and will be automatically applied as you shop: SEE BELOW for more information.)

Bulk Discount Rates

  • 6 issues, 12% – Whether it be one publication across 6 months or 3 months of advertising in 2 different newsletters, etc.. any combination of 6 or more advertisement products.
  • 12 issues, 12% – Same deal as above, but you must total 12 or more combined advertisement months.
  • 24 issues, 16%ONLINE ONLY –Same rules as above apply, but 24 issues or more.

Bulk discount rates may/are not used in conjunction with one another. Once the minimum issue # is reached for said discount, the discount will be applied automatically and once the next level is reached, the discount rate will change to match.

The highest rate applicable for your order, as far as the bulk issues discounts go, will be the only discount adjustment made – however, the aforementioned coupon code is may be used in conjunction with our bulk discount rates.