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Neighborhood News Online Ad Placement

Advertise To Your Customers

* All Products Are Optimized For Print and Electronic Publishing.
* All Products Are Distributed Electronically.
* Most Products Are Also Printed And Mailed.

What Are The Benefits Of Advertising With Neighborhood News?

1. All products are the “Official Publication” of the community we represent.
2. All products are delivered to each and every resident in the community.
3. All content is provided or approved by the neighborhood leadership.
4. Residents rely on our publications to keep the neighborhood running efficiently and as their primary source of information.
5. Residents rely on our publications for reliable products and services for their homes and families.
6. Rates are customized to accommodate even the smallest Avon lady or larger businesses who want to reach regional or national markets.

To start placing your ads online please refer to the current cities list to the left. If you have questions or need help, we ARE AVAILABLE AT (210) 558-3160 or

For information on how to start a newsletter in your neighborhood please contact us at